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Yoel Braidman


1988-1993 - studied architecture at the Bezalel Design Academy , ending up with a Bachelor of Architects degree. His special project was the Damascus Gate Compound in Jerusalem, a proposal for building the Seam Line under the direction of architects David Reznick and Ayala Ronel.

Work Experience:

2003 onwards - Partner in the Office of Braidman-Agmon Architects

Projects of the Office:

Master Building Planning and Implementation :

Planning of 150 apartments and 20,000 sq.m. of commercial and public institutions in Sanhedria for a private investor.

Planning of 220 residential and commercial units and parking in Givat Shaul for the Diskin Foundation.

Planning extra public institutions, synagogues and kindergartens in Har Homah for the Housing Ministry.

Planning of Master Building Plan for 1,400 housing units in the Settlement of Adam for the Housing Ministry.

Planning of Master Building Plan for 90 housng units in Givat Shaul for a private investor.

Planning three extra floors of 11 housing units in a building for Preservation in Bezalel St., Jerusalem for a private investor.

Planning an extra 14 housing units in a building for Preservation in Bucharim St., Jerusalem for a private investor.

Planning an extra three floors of five flats in a preserved building in Emek Refaim St., Jerusalem for a private investor.

Planning five floors of 10 apartments in Megadim St., Yefe Nof, Jerusalem for a private investor.

Planning five floors of four housing units in the Habad Shikun in Minhat Yitzhak St., Jerusalem for a private investor.

Planning of Technical plants for the Mekorot Water Co. Location of Israel Land Authority Land for the Jerusalem Development Authority.

Planning of Municipal Preservation for the Jerusalem Development Authority.

Plans for Licencing and Implementation:


Planning Safe Homes, Public Institutions, Clinic, and a Yeshiva (religious seminary) in Sanhedria for a private investor.

Planning a High Rise building of 80 flats in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem for a private investor, in implementation.

Planning a six storey building of 12 apartments in Rabbi Franck St., Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem for a private investor.

Planning an eight storey building with 11 flats in Hagidem St., for a private investor in implementation.

Planning a five storey building with 7 flats in Bracha Zafrira St., in Ramat Sharett, Jerusalem for a private investor.

Villas (Private Houses) and Offices:

Etrog Company Offices in the Rehovot Science Complex.

Yogev House in Yavne.

Abulafia House in Har Hadar.

Abdel Halim House in Neve Shalom.

Yaalon House in Neve Ilan.

Reshef House in Har Hadar. Levi House in Malha

Abramovich House in Ramat Denya.

Ringler House in Aminadav.

Zuq House in Kfar Menahem.


First place in the Quality House Competition in Jerusalem, in the Category of Residential Building of 8 Units or more, in cooperation with architects Roei Elroy and Zahi Katz.

First place in the planning competition for the Democratic School in Hadera in cooperation with Gil Rosenthal.

Cooperation with architect Assaf Shalit in the planning competition For the building of a Green Home Residence.

1999 – 2003 Self-Employed, Office of Yoel Braidman Architect.

Selected Projects:

Two extra Cottages for Preservation in Baka'a, Jerusalem (Private, including interior design).

Zohar Home – Zur Hadassah, in cooperation with architect Michal Naor (Private).

Rabani Home – Har Adar (including interior design).

Malcah Home – Pisgat Zeev.

Shahar Levi Home – Zur Hadassah.

Axelrod Home – Har Adar.

Biniya Home – Mesilat Zion.

Residence of five apartments of 1,500 sq.m. in Abu Tor, Jerusalem (including interior design).

Aloni Home – Tel Shahar, in cooperation with architect Michal Naor (Private, including interior design).

Master Building Plan for 15 flats in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem (Private).

Building of 8 apartments in Shirizali St., in Nahlaot (Private).

A Typical Home for about 20 families, a growing model, in Nofei Perat settlement for the Jewish Agency's Settlement Division.

Landscape Planning, Open Public Spaces and Development in Nofei Perat (see previous).

Yefe Nof Home in Nahlaot (Private, including interior design).

15 flats in Kiryat Moshe Quarter (Private).

14 flats in Pisgat Zeev (Private).

Planning a Seminary for an Urban Kibbutz in Ir Ganim (still in planning).

A mini Hotel of 40 rooms in downtown Jerusalem (Private, in planning).

Master Building Plan for 1,400 units in Adam settlement, in cooperation with architect Daniel Assiyag (in planning).

Master Building Plan for extra Public Institutions in Har Homah Quarter Jerusalem (the Housing Ministry).


The National Centre for Israel's Campaigns in Har Eitan, in cooperation with architects Michal Naor and Gal Merom.

Nof Yam Quarter in Herzliya Pituah - 3,500 housing units, in cooperation with architect Ari Cohen.

The Armoured Corps Memorial Site, Latrun Compound, in cooperation with architect Daniel Assiyag.

1994-1999 Employment in the Office of Kolker, Kolker, Epstein

Detailed planning of 200 housing units of Build Your Own Home in Pisgat Zeev, Jerusalem, including development plans for execution (the Housing Ministry).

Outdoor Clinics Building of Geha Hospital. 1,000 sq.m. of plans, including the initial scheme for implementation (Kupat Cholim Clalit, including interior planning).

Master Building Plan of Har Homah in Jerusalem (Housing Ministry).

Residential Building of 12 flats in Shimshon St., Baka'a Quarter, Jerusalem (Private).

Ganei Aviv Project in Lod, 600 housing units in four buildings, above a 6,500 sq.m. commercial center and underground parking (constructed and inhabited – the investor – Zohar Towers Company).

Foreign Ministry Building. Work on the competition in Canada in the office of Jack Diamant and work on the competitions from the skeleton planning stage to the operational stage (National Ministerial Complex Administration). Responsible Architect for interior decoration.

Master Building Plan of Agan Ayalot Givat Zeev.

Master Building Plan of Arza Compound, Motza, Jerusalem.

1992-1994 Participation in Projects of Yoram Fogel's Office

Detailed Master Building Plan of the Russian Compound in Jerusalem (Hotels, Commerce, Tourism and Residences in Downtown Jerusalem – Investor – Jerusalem Development Authority).

Master Plan for Restoration and Renovation of Ayalon Prison, including details for implementation (Prison Service Authority).

Conceptual Master Plan for 1,500 housing units in Ramat Rahel Complex, Jerusalem (Housing Ministry).

Conceptual Plan for College Complex at Holon Intersection (Israel Land Administration).

Detailed Master Plan for 200 housing units in Ramat Gan (Ramat Gan Municipality).

Master Building Plan for 06 in Maale Adumim, design directives for implementation (Housing Ministry).

Competition for Restoring Bezalel building.

1990-1991 Participation in Projects of Shimon Shapira Office

Master Building Plan for about 2,000 housing units in Kiryat Gat (Housing Ministry).

First Aliya Museum, Zichron Yaacov, Plans for implementation.